Giving it back to HAN
HAN has teamed up with TerraCycle, a company dedicated to simplifying the process of recycling, to make it easier for you to minimize your environmental footprint. Let's work together to do our part to divert millions of pounds of waste from landfills and incinerators each month.
Simply gather 5 of your empty, full-size HAN cosmetic containers, send them back to us, and we will happily recycle them for you.
What happens to the empty containers?
We ship them to Terracycle and there the containers are sorted, melted down, and turned into small pellets that can be molded and repurposed into new products instead of being sent to landfill.
As our way of saying thank you, you’ll receive 1 free HAN lip gloss or 1 HAN eye shadow of your choice.
How to send empty packaging:
1. Email us at to let us know you’re mailing us your empties and we’ll respond to ask for your choice of either a lip gloss or eyeshadow and shade, as well as some basic customer information.
* Please note - we do not take responsibility for lost mail and cannot offer the program reward without receipt of your empty packaging. Also, the product offered from this program cannot be exchanged or returned.
2. Mail empties to:
HAN Recycling
135 W. 25th Ave. #6611
San Mateo, CA 94403
Thanks for helping to reduce waste and make this world a little more beautiful!